Monday, January 17, 2011

Wearing lipstick doesn't make you gay!

So baby p got into my makeup again...definently not the first time I'm sure it won't be the last time. Frankly I think it's cute, he's just imitating me. I'm a pretty easy going mom all 3 of my boys have gotten into my makeup and tried to wear it. Am I concerned absolutely not. There have been a few people in my close circle of friends and family that have made comments about boys wearing makeUp and how letting them get away with that will make them gay...really...

Thats not the only thing I let my boys do either. As a reward for not getting into my nail polish anymore I paint their toe nails. Oh the grief I get about that. But you know what it works they haven't tried to paint there nails since. And I really don't care what anyone says letting my boys wear nail polish or lipstick isn't going to make them gay.

Basically it's like saying if I listen to rap music I'm going to turn into an African American or if my haircut is too short it means I'm a lesbian.
There are just to many judgements that go on everyday it's disgusting why can't our kids just grow up with out all these judgements.

And when they are all grown up,if it turns out that they are gay I'm pretty sure it's not going to be because they got into my makeup or because I painted their toenails. Besides that I'll love them unconditionally no matter what so it doesn't really matter in the end does it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Carrots and apples oh my!

Today I juiced 2 bags of carrots and 10 apples. It makes about 2 quart jars of juice. The boys love love love it when we juice, they love the noise of the juicer and they love watching how it "eats" the fruit. I had only gotten 5 carrots nicer when I had all 3 p's begging for some fresh juice. I of course couldn't say no, it's great that they love fresh juice it's so good for them. And it will help them get over there nasty colds.

I've tried to get them to drink carrot juice that we bought at the store,that was just plain gross. It tasted nothing like the fresh carrot juice. So now we stick to juicing our own fresh juice. Today I mixed some of the carrot with some organic red delicious apples just to give the juice a different taste. Mmmmm it is delicious!!
For now I'm using a Breville juicer that I got really cheaply off of eBay. But I would love to eventually buy a slow juicer since it doesn't break down the juice as much and doesn't oxidize it as much as my Breville does. If you haven't tried juicing you need too! There is no way to describe how amazing fresh juice tastes!

Have a great night!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

So everyday at nap time my three p's and I snuggle up in bed And I either read them a few story's or there favorite is if I make up a story for them. Which usually is about them or involves them some how. So I decided that I'm going to start recording the stories that I make up for them using my iPhones recorder app. and then type out and illustrate the story.

My younger p's dont really get that I'm writing a book about them but big p does he likes to sit with me and have me read every new word or sentence I get down on paper. (or really its a writing app on my iPad lol) he says wow mom you are so good! You have to read this to dad!! And he was my lil critic when I was drawing the first picture for the book. But he did make sure I drew it exactly as it sounded from my story. The castle by the sea.

So far I have most of the story outlined and I told the boys the story at nap time today. Big p is so funny he thinks I'm so amazing because i know how to tell story's! It always amazing to me how kids would much rather have quality time with mommy or daddy over just about anything else. It just shows how important it is to spend time with your kids no matter what it is that your doing it means the world to them.

Now off to write a lil more since everyone is still snuggled up and asleep for nap.

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Posted using BlogPress from my iPad